Successful web design means producing websites that are effective in attracting visitors and converting them into customers. Whether that means encouraging them to purchase online or pick up the phone, the fundamentals remain the same. The principal aim of any website we design or produce is to advance the confidence-building process necessary to convert and retain customers, and our extensive experience of the management and maintenance of online shops means we know how to do this.
We work with most of the web's major proprietary ecommerce systems and are fully conversant with the pros and cons associated with them, which enables us to provide sound advice at the outset and cost-effective support throughout development and beyond, all of which saves customers a lot of money. We can also build totally bespoke shops if necessary, but this is rarely required as our extensive programming skills mean we can easily write and integrate modules for specific purposes.
All our web design is now fully responsive as mobile media have become an essential part of the mix. Online video is also an increasingly important element for everything from attracting customers, relaying instructions or providing reassurance via 'live' reviews. As a selling tool it works better than most and we have the skills necessary to produce videos, from initial filming (including aerial video and photography) to final production and hosting of the movies. If you ask us to design your website, you won't need to look anywhere else to see it through to fruition.
If you are thinking about creating a website, or looking for someone to manage an existing site, get in touch.
As a fully independent design group we cover a wide range of creative activities:
Contact us for an informal chat about your next project. Don't forget, estimates are free of charge.
Call us on +44 (0)1206 501868/912016 or send us a message:
Tel: +44 (0)1206 501868
or +44 (0)1206 912016
Address: Garage Studios, 21 Irvine Road, Colchester, Essex CO3 3TS